Herbal remedies for male impotence
- Shepherd's purse - 35 grams, brew tea, leave it for half an hour, take 50 ml.
- 1. 5 tbsp. Pour hawthorn flowers with 1. 5 cups of water and leave overnight. Boil the fortified liquid on the fire for 5 minutes, cool under the lid. Drink the first cup on an empty stomach and the other two cups throughout the day with meals.
- Parsnips – 4 liters. Connect to 6 l. Sahara. Keep the plate with the contents on the fire for 15 minutes and keep it warm for 8 hours. The standard is 1 liter. Drink liquids before meals. All herbs are taken three times daily.
St. John's Wort
herbal blend
onion skin
Men's Bee Propolis

Propolis Honey Blend Recipe
- Eliminate prostate inflammation;
- stimulate sexual desire;
- Improve sperm quality.
Folk remedies for increased potency: propolis tincture
Men’s Super Product – Miracle Pumpkin

natural treatment

- 2 cups unpeeled seeds dried in oven;
- Crushed with skin;
- Place the substance in one liter of boiling water.
Stir the mixture until the first bubbles appear. Once cool, add 2 tbsp. Lake chestnut honey, shake well. Therapeutic Cocktail Drink 60 ml in 3 divided doses for 3 months. Repeat the course six months later.